jeudi, septembre 16, 2004

touch down

typing this at my cousin's place in hampstead (north of the city of london)... i've arrived safe and sound, it's 12:10am here and a bit cold, but entirely survive-able.

spent >2hours stuck in queues at the airport immigration. took the tube (underground) with my cousin and 50+++kg baggage back to his place. long story, i shall save it for another day.

can't write much 'cos A) i'm tired, B) don't wanna use up too much of my cousin's 'pay-as-you-go' internet access, C) my contact lenses are drying up in my eyes... so very quickly ~

i miss a lot of people already. i know i promised i wouldn't cry at the airport, and i did keep that promise.

so i only broke down during the plane's take-off. haha... couldn't help it. but it wasn't a tsunami, more like a slow but insistent rising tide.

the turn-out at the airport exceeded my expectations. i was very touched that they were willing to come down at such a crazy hour in the morning. with a bleary-eyed tabi acting her usual self (think 'funny' comments), i wasn't allowed to feel 'sad' a single moment while they were around. thank you ai lei, crys, duey, jane, rad, tabi, wing, ah-vette.

in addition,
thanks wing for the A-Z London book, it's truly useful, i've already had cause to consult it on my first night in london!

thanks ah-vette for your sweet card, i was cheered up a bit just by remembering all the beautiful, happy memories we've had that you managed to encapsulate in a few succinct paragraphs. see you in london!

thanks duey for winks (ah-vette stop grinning ;P) and your beautiful letter, which was quite uplifting and very encouraging :)

thanks crys for being my friend, it's more than i ever deserved. crys's letter made me cry so bad on the plane. even though i read it after reading ah-vette's card. i never realised how badly i'll miss her.

thanks tabi for just her reassuring pats on my shoulders. it feels awfully strange saying this, but there's something very maternal and comforting about the way she puts her arm around, squeezes or pats your shoulders. she told me at jade bar to remind her to tell me something at the airport, but i forgot to darnit. all that suspense for nothing.

i really need to go snooze. will write more later.