jeudi, décembre 23, 2004

under control

i don't want to change your mind
i don't want to change the world
i just wanna watch it go by
i just wanna watch it go by
i don't wanna change your mind
i don't wanna waste your time
i just wanna know you're alright
i've got to know you're alright

you are young, darling
for now but not for long
we're under control

- "under control"_the strokes


new catchword: 'coolness!'
it's just so bimbotic and plastic, i love it. hahaha.

i've discovered some really cool songs over the weekend, so i'm really happy now.

found out that laur & mash, two of my female flatmates, also dance crazily in their rooms alone. *phew* so i'm not the only one. i was beginning to worry about my inner hedonistic tendencies.

what happens is, sometimes when i'm alone in my room, i just blast rock or r&b or dance music, and go crazy.

it's extremely liberating, everyone should adopt this practice.


anyway, here's what i'm currently listening to, highly recommended! go listen to, or else!:

"under control"_the strokes (just kinda sweet...pick this, if nothing else)
"remember me"_the zutons (highly recommended; forget all the cheesy pop songs about friendship - this takes the cake, no the cakeshop)
"reptilia"_the strokes
"canned heat"_jamiroquai (retro-ish-but-not-quite disco)
"love foolosophy"_jamiroquai (ditto)
"shiver"_coldplay (one of the best coldplay songs, in my pov)
"the weekend"_michael gray (coolness! but not for the anti-clubbing music brigade)