mercredi, janvier 12, 2005


lundi (3/1):
tour de la plage (canet-plage) en voiture
j'ai recontré toute la famille
le soir, le télé: film - une vie (barbara schultz)

le matin - tour du mas du beau-frère (salade, hydroponics)
tour du centre-ville
(je m'y suis promenée l'après-midi, jusqu'à 19h00)
la 'grossesse'
tour du centre-ville (encore une fois), et certains quartiers
le cap d'estany/sardanista!

les rois mages
quelle fête!
théo et l'épier
la fille va à l'hôpital

tour magnifique du département rousillon
- argelès
- port-vendres
- coullioure
- banyuls
j'ai fait du shopping à l'hypermarché carrefour
l'accrouchement - les jumeaux! si petits, si beaux

ste marie - le camping: panthéon de rugby!
le lydia (bacarès)
stade aime giral (fermé, à cause de l'entrainement de l'equipe USAP)
comité rousillon

bref, c'était incroyablement interéssant et agréable. les catalans était si chalheureux, si amicables.

au revoir et à bientôt!


the trip to perpignan was wonderful - incredibly interesting and amazingly nice. the méditerranean sea a few km away, the pyrenées mountains within short driving distance. sunny clear skies, mild climate...

but best of all were the people i met.

perpignan memories:
- strolling around little streets in the centre-ville of perpignan, getting excited over a USAP boutique, and blatantly ignoring a couple of chat-ups from guys
- the sun, mountains and sea... but i've already mentioned that...
- 5-year-old th*o and his hot-chocolate moustache
- shopping at carrefour with a distinctly out-of-his-element m.reb
- meeting the members of the rugby commité at the roussillon hq
- all the lovely drive-by tours of the beaches
- visiting little towns like coullioure, which and where greats such as picasso and dali painted
- the twins
- the food (typical meal à la maison: appetizer - baguette and butter/paté, main course (pasta, mashed potato bake, roast chicken, paella, or a bit of everything), more main course, cheese (i was forced to consume thick slabs), dessert, more dessert)
- the intimate and lively chats (en français bien sûr) about more personally stuff - family, relationships, life
- the huge festival in girona, spain (we made a day trip there, only 2.5hours away)
- the rugby-themed camping park (quite simply, coolness!)
- all the cheek-to-cheek baisers

biggest revelation of trip though:

sometimes people are just nice.


the Atlantic was born today
and i'll tell you how
the clouds above opened up
and let it out

i was standing on the surface
of a perforated sphere
when the water
filled every hole

and thousands upon thousands
made an ocean
making islands
where no islands should go

oh no...

most people were overjoyed
they took to their boats
i thought it less like a lake
and more like a moat

the rhythm of my footsteps
crossing flatlands to your door
have been silenced

and the distance is quite simply much
too far for me to row
it seems farther
than ever before
i need you so much closer...

- "transatlanticism"_death cab for cutie

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