samedi, octobre 02, 2004


- that describes a sizeable portion of the crowd at camden today.

visited camden market with my roommate (shall call her yam), her best friend, her best friend's friends and another flatmates. the 6 of us hiked from our place up to camden, where we went through a couple of markets.

i was actually more interested in the people there. it was crowded, it being saturday and all, and there were lots unconventional people there.

punks, goths, people dressed in pretty edgy fashion. 'twas cool.

the markets were pretty much your average flea market. with prettier knicknacks. certain not at pasar malam prices of course. some of the things on sale were similar to crafts and wares i'd seen in nepal and thailand. the profit margin that the stallholders could make is quite staggering.


instead of going for a mooncake get-together with some of the s'poreans, i've opted to spend the night in my flat with some of my flatmates, the plan is to gather in the kitchen to watch 'my best friend's wedding' (i must admit it's one of my favourite films. there i can't believe just admitted it) on tv, dine on frozen pizza from sainsbury's, and indulge in my haagen-dazs praline & cream ice cream.

i am so getting fat. :(


i'm gonna see ah-vette and fen tomorrow. very happy about that :D :D :D