lundi, février 21, 2005

tiny vessels

this is the moment
that you know
that you told her that you loved her
but you don't

you touched her skin
and then you think
that she is beautiful
but she don't mean a thing to me

yeah she is beautiful
but she don't mean a thing to me

all i see
are dark grey clouds
in the distance
moving closer with every hour

so when you'd ask
"is something wrong?"
i'd think you're damn right
there is
but we can't talk about it now
no we can't talk about it now

so one last touch
and then you'll go
and we'll pretend that it meant something
so much more

but it was vile
it was cheap
and you are beautiful
but you don't mean a thing to me
yeah you are beautiful
but you don't mean a thing to me
yeah you are beautiful
but you don't mean a thing to me

- "tiny vessels"_death cab for cutie


oohh i'm SO chuffed, it's been snowing loads! though it's not cold enough here for the snow to pile up on the ground, unfortunately. but it started snowing loads in the middle of training at sudbury hill last night, and gosh i was so excited, going "aw this is brilliant!" every other minute, so that my team mates were bemused as well. haha.

it was difficult to receive passes from the direction of the wind though - with snow blowing into our eyes it was all i could do to blink desperately and go "on your *blink* left! *blink*"

but ah it was just lovely, the snow cascading gently but insistently as we did our drills. watching the snow settling on the pitch, our hair and clothes. never mind that our fingers were threatening to fall off from the cold!

i'm such a child.


my tutor almost rebuked me about rugby during my tutorial today though. it didn't have to be that way at all, it's just that a clash between wednesday's rugby match and an interview with another lecturer for one of our projects had forced me to choose one over the other - and i chose the rugby match over the interview (i don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, but it wasn't a difficult decision for me to make). it isn't compulsory for every single person in my group to be there for the interview anyway, but of course it would be "optimal".

my first instinct was "really sorry guys, i know this will be troublesome but can we try to postpone the interview to friday?", and none of my group members had any objections whatsoever. so that was that. but when my tutor found out he just seemed a bit unpleasantly surprised that i was choosing the match over the interview. to quote him loosely, "what are your priorities?"

now there's a tough one - i wish it were black and white so that i could simply say "my studies!" or "rugby!" but it isn't in this case!

i have a greater obligation (in my opinion) to play at the match than i do to be present at the interview. it's both about "where i'm needed more" and "what do i want" - i can contribute more at the match than i can at the interview, that's for sure. and i can't deny that between playing in a match and interviewing some lecturer, i'd choose the first choice (no offence to the lecturer) almost anyday.

sigh, it was just a nasty feeling - getting told off because of rugby.

please don't let me get put in such a spot again.

(btw we're playing the royal vet college, i heard that last year they were big girls - hopefully they won't be this year? ;| haha but then playing against 'sizeable' teams is not necessarily a bad thing - often it means you can run around them)

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