lundi, octobre 24, 2005

london life

wasn't like this last year... it was somewhat very unreal and very dreamy, i can't actually begin to describe the difference in stylistic wording because i don't think i have the ability to do so

at this time last year i was in a kind of happy, slightly anxious bubble, a sponge soaking in everything that was strange and new

but at some point in summer things went very, very crazy. not wrong, but wonderfully beautifully frighteningly crazy

despite the utter hell and insanity that has characterised the past few weeks, turning them into some of the most difficult moments i've had in my life, i know i'll be all right. because at the end of the day there's so much to be thankful for, i know i don't deserve a lot of it and i'm lucky to be where i'm at

someday i'll be able to figure out the choices i've made, someday this will all make more sense.. i've got no time for regrets

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