mardi, octobre 18, 2005

time management

is not going well

am having to forgo a deloitte event later because i'm too tied up with school work and rugby. and looking for a job - which i may have found, if all goes as planned. attended a job interview just for waiting staff (like waitressing at events and functions). actually it wasn't an interview, but more like a "let me take down your details, ok just come for our training day next week". the good thing is that it sounds like work will be pretty easily available, possibility of working a few nights a week and earning £5/hr is cheering me up. i've learnt from sec sch and jc that the busier i am, the more organised i become with my time and workload

so maybe there is hope for my malfunctioning system after all.

i went to clapham junction for the interview, it was a pretty interesting place with loads of shops, had a nice time browsing through the charity ones and ended up, against my good sense, buying 2 books for the steal of £3.50

1) catherine de medici (leonie Frieda) - important dowager-ish figure in european history that caught my interest after i watched la reine margot

2) shopaholic abroad (sophie kinsella) - the sequel to the first book which i initially absolutely hated. the protagonist's urges to spend, lack of self-control and rather unintellectual self got on my nerves, then i realised that hey i liked the book after all

obviously two very different pieces of literature (history lit v chick lit. haha) but as long as they keep me occupied.

busy busy busy. have to go mop the toilet and bathroom later, i've put that off for two days

messy busy life. but hey i'd never complain about it.

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