in which i try to write about shopping
this evening we visited the ibn battuta shopping mall, which blew me away for a slew of reasons
themed around the travels of a 14th century arabian explorer (named - what else - ibn battuta), the large mall has 6 "courts", each of which reflects one of 6 country/cultural themes - chinese, indian, persian, egyptian, tunisian and andalusian
some of the architecture and decor was just plain garish (e.g. the china-themed section was v bright red!) but overall it was a v cool place; spotted 3 starbuck cafés that all seemed to try to blend in with their respective "ambiences". found it odd, to say the least
we had lovely iranian grill dinner - a platter of grilled food ranging from chicken and lamb kebabs, lobster, squid, prawns and green pepper, fish etc, with delish naan-like bread. i'd loudly proclaimed pre-dinner that i wasn't hungry (because i really wasn't), but then in the end i think i ate the most, haha
earlier in the day, we visited the newest (i think) and largest mall in dubai - named "mall of the emirates". the shopping was mostly out of my self-imposed budget and yet not ott expensive, but still. so many major fashion brands were there, including some not found in london that i'd especially liked in france, and some italian ones. there was one shop - i think it was an italian label but can't remember the name - that had really nice stuff, cool and a tad edgy, and if i'd had the money i would have bought half of the stuff in the women's section
and here ends a tedious summary of today's pseudo-shopping exploits.
i've generally spent the afternoons asleep; we're in the suburbs and public transport non-existent so hard to get anywhere unless my dad chauffeurs us. i foresee a lot of free time at home that should hopefully turn into productive coursework time
la grenouille aurait pu être dépendant au jeu, toxicomane, psychopathe, escroc, alcoolique, maniaque sexuel, etcetc
mais non.
si, elle a été incroyablement irresponsable et stupide, très brouillon, enfin elle a blessée, ella a quasiment brisé le cœur. ça a été vachement trop. putain d'amphibie, dis donc comment la pardonner?
parfois je ne ressens en fait aucune haine pour elle. ce que j'éprouve, alors ce que je tentais de nier, c'est des sentiments plus forts que jamais, qui sont ni sain ni raisonnable ni avisé. les émotions m'effraient, je me trouve naïve et bébête de continuer à angoisser et y réfléchir sans cesse
je devrais m'éloigner, me détacher, tout oublier
mais je me rends bien compte, mieux que personne, que je possède une cœur super têtue, qui ressent ce qu'elle veut, sans aucun égard pour la dure réalité
je croyais qu'en partant, j'irais pouvoir tirer cette sacré affaire au clair. tout régler dans mon cœur et mon esprit
pourtant j'avais tort!
qu'est-ce que je ferai? jlaime encore, comment c fou!
Libellés : cognition, wanderlust
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