mercredi, avril 25, 2007

you got me all wrong

the first time it happened, i thought it was a random occurrence, an accident almost, something to be dismissed casually and not reflected upon excessively

then came a second and third time, in quick succession

by the fourth time, i was like, wtf!?

this is the thing: if it's no longer random, then what is it?

(a very loaded question that has driven me back to my chocoholic ways. chocolate should never, never be on half-price sale. not least at m&s. i've gone through >half the box today. by tomorrow afternoon there won't be any left!!!)

the point is that i need the cocoa-sugar high. because i have been driven to new depths by recent developments

i really don't think that i can deal with it. walking on the streets at that hour and taking the bus is the worst part. the mild aching sense of confusion diluted by numbness irritates me

now is not the time to deal with it though. i have to think about law, money and france


you got me all wrong
you wandered away
without which i am nothing
much more than i can say

- "you got me all wrong"_dios malos
