i was going to post a photo depicting the enormous swollen blue-black bruise on my right forearm near my wrist, but then i thought it might be too narcissistic and gross.
i've been aching so badly these past few days, in the morning it's excruciatingly awful to try and get out of bed.
i probably caught a cold from playing rugby as well (it is autumn, nearing winter). my nose has been so 'blocked', that try as i did, i couldn't detect the vomit smell (my flatmates came back around 3am yesterday morning, one of them had mixed her drinks too much and was sick in the toilet. they'd made so much noise that yam and i had to get out of bed to see what was going on. as yam walked past the toilet, she exclaimed at the vomit smell. i was like, "huh? *sniff sniff* what vomit smell?").
there's gonna be a halloween party in my flat tomorrow night organised by ash, we've hung streamers and covered the kitchen lights with yellow and green paper. hope it'll be fun :)
everyday i thank my lucky stars/ the powers that be for letting me end up with a great bunch of flatmates. everyone's nice, it's quite incredible. there's also a good mix of personalities, so that's a bonus as well.
moral of the story: it's good to be on a budget ;)
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