samedi, juillet 09, 2005


we arrived in nice on thursday morning, soaked in the sun and the french riviera ambience.

first phone call came from my mum while i was in the matisse museum. she was just checking in because apparently some 'technical fault' had caused blasts in the london underground.

i thought little of it till my dad called an hour later. that was when it started to sink in, and shake my insides. my london cousin texted me, followed by yw, and still no one seemed to have any idea what was really going on. there was no internet cafe in sight at that point (we were on a hill), we were getting increasingly anxious, i tried to call my london friends but all the mobile phone networks weren't working properly (it was only later that we understood why).

texted people to make sure they were ok - possibly blowing up my phone billin the process, but what the hell - overwhelming feeling of relief with each response received.

we tried to enjoy that day in nice, and eventually we did have a nice afternoon suntanning on the (pebbly) beach. but behind our smiling faces captured in the photos, there was the nagging sick-to-the-stomach feeling of relief and horror. thousands of miles away from the scenes of devasation, i can't help but feel somewhat removed and detached.

will confront the inner demons next thursday. shall see how my thoughts unfold when i take the tube from waterloo back home.

thanks to jx axu kiwi teh ah-vette jm for checking in, it meant a lot.

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