jeudi, novembre 10, 2005

i was, am, stupid

i'm not good with metaphors. but this one honestly feels like a roller coaster ride. only that i'm perpetually whooshing downwards

went for liv's bday gathering this evening at the jerusalem bar off oxford street.. talking rugby and joking around with my team mates just made me feel so much better. ok so i've got problems and issues at the moment, but who doesn't? it's all relative anyway. got a roof over my head, food to eat, books to read, pedantically speaking. family, friends, studies, sport, material comfort (though selling stuff on ebay seems like an increasingly attractive option).. many things to be thankful for in life at the moment

bottling up my emotions feelings thoughts problems is the one thing i really need to let me rant and vent here. and to people i trust. perhaps censure is a risk i take, but it's a risk so worth taking because i've got nothing to lose


sous l'oeil de l'ange
je suis venu te dire
que j'ai su rester fort

sous l'oeil de l'ange
je suis venu te dire
qu'ils n'ont rien vu encore

sous l'oeil de l'ange
je suis venu te dire
que j'ai trouvé la paix

sous l'oeil de l'ange
j'ai su pardonner et j'ai su le chanter

- "sous l'oeil de l'ange"_k-maro

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