vendredi, novembre 19, 2004

let it snow let it snow let it snow

it's official: winter's coming!

apparently there's been snow in nottingham, derby, and even cambridge... hopefully it'll snow in london by december/january. i'm sure i'll be freezing my butt off, but that's not the point. ;)

the temperature's fallen dramatically today. max 6 degrees, min 1 degree - if that's not cold i dont' know what is. and tomorrow the max is 4 degrees.

thank goodness it'll be warmer on monday. otherwise training will be a pain - frostbiting pain, that is. and can you imagine playing a match with your hands frozen? i can - dropped balls galore.


going to cambridge tomorrow. going to perpignan in january for 5 days, visiting (more like imposing on) the manager of the s'pore sevens french team and his family. i'm really looking forward to that, the francophile in me has been starved for too long.


hemmorhage in my toe (ignore if you are adverse to self-indulgent gory depiction of rugby-related minor injury):

i've got blackened big toes on both feet thanks to rugby in s'pore. on wednesday my left big toe got trampled on again, and now it's red as well. and it's hurting like crazy. the sight of it makes me sick, it's so ugly! ;[ i think there's probably internal bleeding and bruising.

chris saw it last night and he was like, "you'd better get it seen to". at first i thought i'd just leave it alone, but then you can't quite ignore it when, upon waking up in bed, the first thing that hits you is a shooting pain in your big toe... to make things more dramatic, one of my aunts lost two of her toes to gangrene years ago.

so i staggered to the doctors in my pink slippers (which made my toes freeze up, which was a good thing) - even socks were a bit too uncomfortable.

doctor's verdict?

"well you could stick a hot needle in to see if there's blood.. but i'd advise you to wait for a few days and see if it gets better. lift your foot and leg up more often (to let blood circulate from my toe)". (i swear i am not making this up)

me to toe: please get well. or else!