i can't wait for the weekend to begin
there are some things that even rugby won't heal
and that's saying something.
i'm sorry to say that i have little, if any, faith in guys anymore. been let down too many times, whether or not it's been my fault.
alcohol is like fire - a good servant but a bad master.
i thought i'd be over it by now, but i'm still confused sometimes by the ambivalent and ambiguous behaviour that i encounter here from time to time. by ambivalent and ambiguous, i mean being friendly one day, and then completely otherwise the next. talking to me on the way back home from the rocke+ (a pub), inviting me over for drinks the next night, talking to me some more, and then 2 days later barely saying hi.
1) what is wrong with people? 2) what is wrong with me?
maybe i'm making a fuss out of nothing, but i'm pretty damn sure things used to be much simpler.
oh speaking of s'pore, i need to shop shop shop. but not for myself - for people. i promised someone something from harrods (what a stupid thing to do). and i can't go back without anything for them.
i never thought i'd say something as, i dunno, girly as this... but i discovered mascara the other day. call it peer pressure if you must. i call it a quasi-miracle.
please, don't let him be my fellow l.o. again. or else!
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