mercredi, janvier 25, 2006

prozac nation

i've got to get my act together


we all do


i blame teh for re-introducing me to plain choc-covered digestives. now i'm back in the habit


hmm still the remnants of monday's excruciating headache plague me. i can't remember ever feeling as ill as i was on monday night. my entire body literally felt like it was burning hot, yet the minute i crept out from under my duvet cover i thought i was going to freeze to death

i generally do not get ill. (thank you constitution) so monday night was a bit of a shocker. i guess i shouldn't have taken a 2-hour walk out in the cold earlier that day

but thanks to a no-holds-barred remedy of 4 vitamin c pills, 1 strepsil lozenge and 4 panadol tablets in the span of 6 hours, i was surprisingly much better on tuesday morning

gotta go sleep now though. if i am to get anything productive done tomorrow morning