mardi, mai 10, 2005


it's time for a london ponder again

the nearest sainsburys supermarket is a 2 minute jog away (i know, because i was "pissing" (to quote someone) rain just now and i had to run there all the way from my place) so i guess that makes it a 4 minute walk away...

on the way back, i walked past

a) a woman swathed in a head-to-toe marine-blue burkha standing at the traffic light (she was facing the other side of the road so i didn't see her face)... it was kinda surreal, this arabic/islamic element in out of the blue (no pun intended, seriously)

b) a guy who - i'm saying this with as little subjectivity as possible - had a very prominent nose ring, which made him look like a cow

c) people of at least 8 different ethnicities

all this on just 2 streets


my diet's been incredibly see-saw. from salad to chocolate caramel shortcake (which is to die for, by the way).

will see how i end up after the exams.


guilty confession: i threw my absolutely minging reeboks into the washing machine. that stink so badly, that i decided the most drastic course of action was required. one of my teammates once suggested this method as an effective way to render trainers bright-as-new.

they've come out not as bright as i'd expected, but at least they don't smell anymore (i think).


the exams are making me

a) flabby
b) hungry (see mention of chocolate caramel shortcake above)
c) anti-social (but that is to be expected, my flatmates study quite little, i guess the stakes aren't high for most of them)
d) restless (can't wait for the end)

e) incredibly aware of how hard i'll have to study next year


i'm quite irritated tonight by the amount of noise emanating from the room opposite mine. music, people talking... yep it's not so great that some people in my flat are studying so little, it means they turn up the music, talk in the corridor etc. at any hour of the day.


2 tough exams coming up, i do not need this.


you win some, you lose some.

i hope next year it only gets better.