are you telling me this is a sign?
my cooking has been dismal the past couple of weeks; with exams left right and centre i've been subsisting on my friend's tapao-ed hall food, grapefruit and strawberries (make that 2 boxes of strawberries in 3 days), italian breadsticks from sainsburys... you get the idea.
so later i'm gonna cook myself a more proper dinner. cauliflower and mushrooms, pseudo-crêpes/pancakes (basically i throw eggs milk and flour into a bowl in a haphazard fashion, then beat the mixture vigorously with a fork), breaded cod (make that out-of-the-freezer-into-the-oven breaded cod from sainsburys)... and whatever else i can find (maybe 5-day old lettuce?)
the weather is gorgeous, it's sunny but still a bit cold. so someone tell me why rugby is a winter sport, you'd think i'd have understood by now but i don't!!!
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